- A-boo Peak (5 monsters): Reduce the hauntedness from 98% to 0%, then light the signal fire.
- Twin Peak (8 monsters, 85% combat): Solve the mystery.
- Oil Peak: Reduce the pressure from 310.66 µB/Hg (equal to 49 oil slicks) to 0 by defeating monsters here, then light the signal fire.
- Different ranges of bonus Monster Level affect monster encounters here and their pressure reduction and possible
bubblin' crude drops:
- +0-19: oil slick - 6.34 pressure (1/49), 1 bubblin' crude (100%)
- +20-49: oil tycoon - 19.02 pressure (3/49), 1-2 bubblin' crude (100%, 10%)
- +50-99: oil baron - 31.7 pressure (5/49), 1-2 bubblin' crude (100%, 30%)
- +100 or more: oil cartel - 63.4 pressure (10/49), 1-3 bubblin' crude (100%, 30%, 10%)